About Us
06/16/2019 5:29 am


Whether you’re buying a home in Centerville, Ohio or selling a home in Centerville, OH, our team of local real estate agents will be happy to assist. We represent both buyers and sellers throughout the Miami Valley and Greater Dayton Ohio area. When navigating through a real estate transaction, you’re going to need a team of experienced agents on your side. The team here at “Ohio Real Estate Guys” has the experience and dedication you’d expect when making what could possibly be the largest purchase of your life. We have successfully closed hundreds of sales and have had the pleasure of helping everyone from “First Time Home Buyers,” to those folks who are selling the family home and downsizing to a condo or townhome. We are also the Dayton area’s most sought-after team of sales agents for individuals and families yearning to understand the short sale process or those who are about to embark on the unfortunate situation of a bank foreclosure. If you are looking for the best real estate agents in Dayton, Ohio, look no further.